
Week 10 – Shout-Outs

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on November 11, 2014 | Comment

When I use the term “shout-out,” I’m really just referring to a blog post that compliments others. When writing shout-outs, there are a few different people you can talk about.

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Week 9 – Top Ten List

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on November 4, 2014 | Comment

Made famous by a certain late night show host, top ten lists are a staple of blogging. Whatever industry you’re in, you can come up with a top ten list of some sort. Short bulleted or numbered lists are easy and quick for people to read.

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Week 8 – Case Studies

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on October 28, 2014 | Comment

With a case study, you’re going to give potential customers a real life example of how great it is to buy from you. Here’s the key to an interesting case study that people will actually read: It’s not about you.

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Week 7 – Responding To Bloggers

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on October 21, 2014 | Comment

Take a look at some of the last few weeks worth of posts that other bloggers have written. Pick one that you have an opinion on, and actually respond on your own blog.

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Week 6 – Giveaway Winner Announcement

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on October 14, 2014 | Comment

Another reason giveaways are great for a blog is because you get two posts out of it! Not only do you get to announce the giveaway, but you get to announce the winner of the giveaway in a separate post.

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Week 5 – Giveaway Announcement

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on October 7, 2014 | Comment

There’s nothing quite like a good, old-fashioned freebie. Don’t be a jerk and put any weird catches on it (must purchase at least $50 worth of merchandise first), just make something available for free.

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Week 4 – Use A Keyword Research Tool

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on September 30, 2014 | Comment

Keyword Research Tools are great for people wanting to know what words they should target when advertising with Google, or when getting their website to rank better in the results for any number of search engines.

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Week 3 – Use Google’s Search

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on September 23, 2014 | Comment

At this very moment, somebody out there is asking a question that you know the answer to. Those questions may be posted on blogs, on social networking websites, or in forums.

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Week 2 – Tools of Your Trade

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on September 16, 2014 | Comment

Here’s where things start to get fun. With a blog about tools of the trade, we’re going to give your customers the inside scoop on your industry.

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Week 1 – Your Introduction

Written by by Tim Priebe | Posted on September 9, 2014 | Comment

Luckily, this first blog post is relatively easy. You’ll just be getting your feet wet. In this first entry, simply introduce yourself.

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